jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Google Search Activity as Thermometer of Wine Cellar Visitors

La Editorial Springer ha incluido en libro Wine and Tourism (pp 247-255) el artículo Google Search Activity as Thermometer of Wine Cellar Visitors de Raúl Gómez-Martínez, Camilo Prado-Román y Francisco Díez-Martín.

Abstract: The aim of this\ paper is to study if the Google search activity of the terms related to each Designation of Origin (DO) can be used as a thermometer of the interest of each Designation of Origin (DO) and therefore the number of visitors for the wine cellars of each location. For that, we define a panel data econometric model where the number of yearly visitors to the wine cellars of each DO is the dependent variable and Google searches of the term of each DO are the exogenous variable. The sample starts in 2012 and ends in 2013, and the country selected is Spain. The results conclude that there is a clear relationship between these two variables.


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